In a webinar from 2019 “Restoring the water cycle to cool the…
Models in a world of uncertainty
When faced with a complex water resources challenge, a typical reflex is…
A fast and frugal heuristic in water resources management
Years ago, I read a book by Gerd Gigerenzer called “Simple heuristics…
De Schie—a story about the longevity of water infrastructure
In my last post, I asserted that many river basins—specifically in the…
No-Regret Measures
Water scarcity is in the news this summer. With temperatures breaking global…
A roadmap to defensible streamflow data
The concept of defensible water data adds a new dimension to hydro-monitoring.…
“Crisis? What Crisis?” – A Food Fix for the World Water Crisis
On a recent field trip in El Salvador, I was surprised by…
A Bankable Project
Around 2003, USAID supported the construction of 12 small reservoirs in remote…
The missing link: Terms of Reference for complicated water resources management projects
The title of this post may be an exaggeration. For sure, there…
The watershed bias
For a long time now, the river basin has been the central…